Here you will find all the answers to the questions you may have


lashes extensions

  • When applied correctly by a trained and certified technician, lash extensions are safe. It's important to follow aftercare instructions to prevent damage to your natural lashes and the delicate eye area.

  • Please arrive with a BARE FACE. Avoid applying facial oils, serums, and moisturizers before your appointment. If you are returning for a refill, wash your lashes prior as well. Avoid drinking coffee as it may make you jittery while you are laying down.

  • The duration of a full set can take 1.5-2.5 hours. Refills typically take 1.5 to complete (can be longer or shorter depending on when you decide to book).

  • It's recommended to get lash extensions filled every 2 to 3 weeks to maintain their fullness and ensure a seamless look.

  • Yes, you can wear makeup with lash extensions, but it's recommended to use oil-free products and avoid waterproof mascara to prolong the life of your extensions. Be gentle when removing makeup to prevent damage to the lashes.

  • 1-2x daily to ensure your lash line is clean of build-up (oil, crust, debris), avoid eye infections, and keep lash extensions fluffy.

brow waxing/shaping

  • Brow waxing/shaping is a grooming technique that involves the removal of unwanted hair from the eyebrows using warm wax. It helps to define the shape of the brows and create a cleaner, more polished appearance.

  • It's recommended to get your brows waxed or shaped every 4 to 6 weeks, depending on how quickly your hair grows and the desired maintenance of your brow shape.

  • Brow waxing may cause some discomfort, but it is generally tolerable for most people. The sensation is often described as a quick pinch as the wax is removed.

  • Yes, you can still get your brows waxed if you have sensitive skin, but it's important to inform your esthetician beforehand. They can use a gentle wax formula and take extra precautions to minimize irritation.

brow lamination

  • Brow lamination is a semi-permanent treatment that helps to shape and set the brows in place using a chemical solution. It can create the illusion of fuller, more defined brows by straightening and lifting the hairs.

  • Brow lamination typically lasts 4 to 6 weeks, depending on your hair growth cycle and how well you maintain your brows. Results may vary for each individual.

  • Brow lamination is suitable for most people, but it may not be recommended for individuals with certain skin conditions or allergies. It's best to consult with a professional to determine if brow lamination is right for you.

  • To maintain your brow lamination, avoid touching or rubbing them excessively and refrain from using harsh skincare products around the brow area. It's also important to follow any aftercare instructions provided by your esthetician.

  • Yes, you can combine brow waxing/shaping with lamination to achieve optimal results. Waxing/shaping helps to define the brow shape, while lamination adds volume and sets the hairs in place for a more polished look.